Friday, February 22, 2013

Phantom (Exclusive interview with myself)

How did you like the movie?
It started out a little cheesy, but it turned into a decent movie.  It was good, but I feel something was missing.  I think it needed a little more suspense.

I hear it was based on an actual event.  Is that true?
It was a good fictional story was sparked by the finding of a missing submarine.  I think this is how rumors spread.  I always love these types of movies.  (Except for Moth Man Prophecies, it still gives me nightmares).

What did you know about the movie before you watched it?
That it was about a submarine and Ed Harris was haunted by demons from his past.  Enough so I knew it wasn't a horror movie.  You never know with a name like Phantom.  What would have been good to know was that this was a Russian sub.

You didn't know the story was about a Russian sub and crew?

Couldn't you tell by their uniforms?
No.  I just thought they were an old style from 1968.  I don't have a military background. Also it didn't help that Ed Harris and everyone else acted and spoke like Americans.   A little accent or singing of a Russian song at the beginning would be a good clue. 

How long until you figured it out?
About a quarter way through the movie I got suspicious when they were saying how vodka was a more patriotic drink. 

Overall would you recommend this movie to others?
Yes.  If you are a history buff or love war/naval movies this one is for you.  

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