Friday, December 14, 2012

Jack Reacher

So I learned in line for this movie that the character Jack Reacher in the books is around 6'5" and 260 lbs, so naturally you would cast Tom Cruise.  Despite the physical description discrepancy he was a really good choice.   

Going into this movie all I knew is that Tom Cruise kicks some ass, and that he did.  Jack Reacher is ex-army and he finds himself investigating a mass murder.  The movie had just the right mix of action and comedy, with a few cheesy dramatic close-ups of Tom Cruise thrown in.  Oh and Tom Cruise is hot in this movie, someone went to the gym.

I saw this movie with Maryellen and Jack (no relation to the main character).  They are not the biggest Tom Cruise fans, but they liked this movie.  It was very enjoyable.  One of my favorite parts was the car chase.  (Really, an action movie had a car chase, unbelievable).  What was different about this chase is it wasn't your James Bond, Bourne Identity perfect chase scene.  When you drive a rear wheeled car in a chase scene it should fishtail.  If you or I got into a car chase this is what it could look like (well maybe not me, I don't often drive that fast).